Harry Lorayne is “the Yoda of Memory Training.” –Time Magazine
Transform your life – Transform your memory
You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain!
Harry Loryane’s Memory Power
You too can have a better-than-photographic memory!
Since 1988 the world’s foremost memory-training expert and New York Times best-selling author, Harry Lorayne has been helping to change people’s lives with his programmed Memory Power Systems. You might remember him on Amazing Discoveries or on his infomercial hosted by Dick Cavett or even on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
But it isn’t just since 1988 that people have transformed their lives with his memory-training systems. No, it’s also since the release of his first book How to Develop a Super Power Memory in 1956, Secrets of Mind Power in 1961, and The Memory Book in 1972 – all selling tens of millions of copies worldwide.
Now, he teaches you directly with audio & video lessons and a comprehensive programmed workbook – in this updated and easy-to-use Memory Power Course available online or shipped to your doorstep.
Get Memory Power
Get Memory Power ⚡️
Enroll Online for Instant Access
Once you enroll, you can begin Harry Lorayne's Memory Power Online Course instantly! All of the original content, but now conveniently accessible online – whenever and wherever you are in the world. You are moments away from transforming your life.
Print or view the programmed memory-training workbook.
Listen to 4 hours of instructional audio.
Enjoy 1 bonus hour-long audio lesson of Memory Makes Millionaires.
Watch video #1 Remembering Names & Faces.
Watch video #2 Remembering Numbers.
27 lessons total in this asynchronous course.
No "drip" or scheduled content. It's ready the minute you enroll.
Login whenever is most convenient for you.
These systems can be used for anything you need to remember.
Available for a limited-time-only price of $149.95.
Ship it for a Limited-Time-Only
The same course as online, but as a physical package shipped to your doorstep – available for a limited time to USA residents only.
In this package you will receive:
Printed 8.5” x 11”, 300-page, spiral-bound workbook.
Auto-proctor mask.
One convenient USB flash drive with audio and video files.
4 hours of instructional audio.
Plus 1 bonus hour-long audio file of Memory Makes Millionaires
2 videos of Remembering Names & Faces and Remembering Numbers.
27 lessons total in this asynchronous course – go at your own pace.
These systems can be used for anything you need to remember.
USPS Media Mail included or upgrade for Priority shipping for USA residents only.
Get that Cutting Edge in Business
With Harry Lorayne’s Memory Power Course, you will learn to:
Recall specific financial data instantly, including prices, style numbers, stock quotations, and sales reports
Remember names and faces of clients and customers
Deliver speeches and chair meetings without relying on notes
Use your mind as a daily planner
And much, much more!
“I got my whole start on Wall Street because of Harry’s systems. And to set myself apart from the other applicants, I memorized the symbols on the US Stock Exchange. At the time there were 1,657 three-digit symbols! This got me the job and I took it from there. I used Harry’s method in everything I did on Wall Street.”
“If you think there are tricks and techniques that enable you to remember new information quickly and indelibly, you are correct. And Harry Lorayne teaches them all.”
“Harry Lorayne gives you the memory that will enable you to have knowledge at your fingertips – that will multiply your worth, multiply your value. And you’ll even remember what I just said.””
Maybe you saw Harry Lorayne
One of the 26 times he was interviewed on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Watch his systems in action while he remembers everyone’s name in the studio audience.
Improve your Grades with Memory Power!
“I was working extremely hard and getting c’s and d’s for a lot of work and then I discovered the system – took the course and literally overnight learned how to work much less and get A’s for it!”
Apply these easy-to-learn memory systems to any academic subject, from chemistry to law to medicine to music to foreign language to English vocabulary and more!
Remember anything you read and anything you hear (at lectures) the very first time you read or hear it
Remember twice as much in a fraction of the time
Increase your SAT scores
Remember book titles, subject of the book, chapter numbers and chapter titles – subject matter, author names, and so on.
Remember foreign languages
Remember all math formulas easily
And much, much more!
Memorize Scripts with Memory Power!
“Harry Lorayne can make you remember an address book full of phone numbers as if it were your first kiss. When I go onstage with a hundred pages of text in my head, they got there thanks to the Method: the Harry Lorayne Method.””
Appreciation letter from Academy award-winning actress, Anne Bancroft.
Academy award-winning actress, Anne Bancroft.
“Dear Harry: My most recent play would not have appeared had not your memory systems made it possible for me to memorize an almost impossible-to-memorize script. Not only did it make an impossible task possible, but it made what is a usual drudgery – part of the creative art. I would never have believed that memorizing lines could be as exciting – stimulating – and as much fun as acting itself. And in my travels I found that learning foreign words and phrases was a snap with your systems.
‘You are a Miracle Worker!’
(Signed) Anne Bancroft”
Some of the Fortune 500 Companies that use Harry Lorayne’s Memory Power Systems
What People Are Saying
“Harry Lorayne is “Mr. Memory” – he knows more about memory training than anyone in the world. His result-oriented methods make it easy to remember facts - names, faces, numbers, technical material - anything.”
— Little Brown & Co.
“Harry Lorayne's course is recommended for all managers and supervisors, and is mandatory for all other personnel.”
— Ruby Lauzon, International Paper Co.
“I was desperate. So I jumped at your course. Well, your memory-training systems don't just kinda work – my memory improvement has been awesome. I now accomplish about two weeks worth of school work in a day. I almost don't believe it myself, except that I've been acing all my tests. You have practically saved my life!”
— Peter Zuckerman, customer
A Powerful Letter of Appreciation
“I was a PRISONER OF WAR in North Vietnam from September 26th, 1966 until March 4th, 1973. Shortly before I was shot down and captured I learned your MEMORY POWER systems. The prisoners of war had no reading or writing material, so we relied solely on memory for sanity, entertainment, names of other POWs, military directives and orders. During the first months of captivity, while flat on my back in a cast, I applied your systems for my own benefit, and it indeed worked! I then taught it to hundreds of my fellow POWs over the next six years. Eventually it was spread throughout the camp and was an invaluable aid to all of us. Academic classes were conducted by POWs entirely from memory. We applied your methods and learned literally thousands of foreign words, poems, speeches, mathematics, electronics, classical music, philosophy, biology – the list is endless. This opened new worlds of mental activity which was so important to us since we were isolated from the world for such a long period of time. I am deeply indebted to you for your memory techniques and for sharing them with the public. I needed to tell you how much your work meant to all of us behind the bamboo wall. Most Sincerely. (Col. Ballard [Ret.] told this story on the television show To Tell the Truth. He went on to teach Harry Lorayne’s memory techniques in South Carolina .)”
More Testimonials
“I have been practicing law for twenty years and during those twenty years I have gone to many legal seminars and have obtained countless tips regarding procedure and strategy. The systems that I have learned from your course have been much more useful to me. i wish I'd known about them when I first began practicing law. Thanks you again.”
— Arthur B. Miller, attorney at law
“I use the MEMORY POWER system for memorizing my school work and for just showing off to my friends. I remember 100 words in order and 52 shuffled playing cards in a row. They think I'm a genius. I'm teaching some of them how to do these things and how to remember names and faces, and their school work. Thanks for inventing MEMORY POWER.”
— Robbie Leifer, 10 year old boy
“I can honestly say that I am constantly astonished at what I am able to do using Harry Lorayne's memory-training techniques. I also enjoy amazing my friends at what I'm able to do. If I'd had his system way back I'd have scored higher on tests in school. In the job market, in the corporate world, the edge that Harry Lorayne's memory techniques will give you is very, very, profitable. Harry's systems are easy to learn and apply. You can use it, you can employ it – you'll be glad you did.”